About this collection

This site has been created on the chance that you might get some inspiration from my experiences. Over the years I have met people who told me of their dreams to travel after they retire then retire and stay home. "Why," I ask. The responses vary but the exact excuse matters little. The reality is that the dream remain unrealized.

We are all to some degree members of the "would have, could have, should have club" and each instance represents a missed opportunity. Some dreams may be unattainable for a variety of valid reasons but if we are inspired to pursue a dream most are at least partially attainable and there is considerable pride of accomplishment even in partial achievement. In order to begin pursuit of any dream each of us needs to be sufficiently inspired to take action and to overcome our natural inclination to make excuses for inaction.

If we can be inspired to begin pursuing a dream small successes can sustain the inspiration to continue. Occassionally, you may discover something about which you can become truly passionate. When that happens, you are a real winner. I hope this web site can help inspire someone to begin or continue to follow a dream.

© Edward Thorpe 2018